Monday, December 9, 2013

Stepping From Darkness Into The Light

“When you get to the end of all the light you know and it's time to step into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things shall happen: either you will be given something solid to stand on, or you will be taught how to fly.”
― Edward Teller
This time of year is often described as the holiday season.  As the days get shorter, and the world gets colder, the holiday season brings in light and joy, getting us through the darkest days full of hope and happiness.  Yule, in fact, is a celebration of the coming of the light again, the rebirth of the sun king.  Knowing that even in the darkest times that there is always the promise of light to come.
Through the craziness of this time of year, I think we at times forget exactly why we celebrate the holiday's that we do.  Christmas, Hanukkah, Yule, Kwanzaa are all celebrations of the light, the coming of better things, that in the darkest times and moments gifts of love and happiness are still there.
This year, I've realized that more than anything this season.  Right now my husband and I are facing the trial of having to move.  Where?  We don't know yet.  How?  We really don't know that either.  And as each day passes, and as we get closer to our time to leave, it seems like what we seek will never come.  But then I think about all those other times that we faced hardships together.  All the times when it didn't seem like we could figure out how to get out of a situation, a solution would appear just as we had given up.  Sometimes right at the 11th hour.  But every single hardship, every "emergency", every time we felt we should panic and that things would never be solved, the answer came.  Whether it's through the help of family or friends, or a new opportunity, or even shear dumb luck we always figure it out, and always will.
I'm not writing this to receive sympathy or asking for help.  I'm writing this more as an epiphany that I've just had.  And it's surprising that it's taken me so long to realize it.  Of course everyone is told the true meaning of this season is being with family and friends and creating happy memories with them and giving thanks for having them in our lives.  And it's very true.  But it also has a deeper meaning.  A spiritual meaning, beyond just a "religious" connotation.  It's a focus on the idea of hope coming through the cold darkness.  A light, shining and guiding us out of the darkness.  That, no matter how much things fall apart, or how dark it gets, light always needs to shine through so that we can find our way. 
That light is faith.
In this season of hopes and dreams I know that I have my light.  And maybe that's why I'm not panicking, or getting angry, or living in great fear of the unknown.  I know that light, that faith, is all around me and there is no reason to fear.  It's in my family and friends.  It's in my cats.  It's in my wonderful husband who I love dearly.  And it's that faith that has helped us through so much in the past, and will keep helping us in the future.
So thank you to all my loving family and friends.  Thank you to my two wonderful fur balls.  And thank you, to the man who has always been by my side through thick and thin.  With you I can do anything.
And thank you for everyone who's lovingly read my ramble and appreciated it for what it is, an epiphany of light in darkness.
Hoping that everyone has light of faith this holiday season.

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