Saturday, December 21, 2013

Merry Yule Everyone!

With the craziness that is the holiday season, it's sometimes surprising to remember that it's beginnings really is about the coming of the light.  The darkest day of the year is happening today, at least in the Northern Hemisphere.

But that has alot to say about what exactly this holiday season is about.  A celebration of joy and happiness of another year over, the beginning of a new year to come, and not allowing the darkness to consume you, but rather realizing the balance that's needed to create change.

And if that's to philosophical then I guess that winter is the perfect time to party because it's cold, thereis more inclination to eat good foods and drinking alcohol to warm the body.  And, if you eat seasonally like I do, then you realize the abundance of meat and breads of this time of year coincides with harvest and meat slaughtering seasonality.

But really in the end it's one of my favorite Wiccan holidays.  And I'm going to celebrate with making cookies, eating pork, and drinking cider.  And hopefully, with our imminent move, we'll find a place where next Yule I can have a Yule log to truly bring in the Yuletide season.

Here's to the darkest night!  And to the coming light!

Blessed Be!

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