Monday, September 16, 2013

Our Anniversary Dayventure!

Well, for those of you who haven't seen my many facebook posts today, it is my seventh anniversary!  It was seven years ago today that I married the love of my life.  It was seven years ago that we said our vows to each other.  It was seven years ago that I wore my wedding dress, and haven't worn it since.  It was seven years since I had a cupcake smashed into my face getting frosting up my nose and it was my new husband's aunt who did it and then I was forever to have the nickname "Mrs Cupcake". 

But that's another story.....

This anniversary my husband and I decided to have a little dayventure.  We love to have dayventures.  My husband loves to explore.  And I like to look at new scenery and see new things.  So I guess that makes us perfect for having dayventures together.

So what is a dayventure?  Well, as you probably all guessed, it's a day adventure.  We usually pick a place we've never been before, try to find a center point to aim for (like a specific town) and just drive towards it.  On the way if we see a neat place to stop for lunch we do, if we see an interesting event happening we join in, if we end up at our ending point and it's closed because we didn't do our research, oh well!  It's all about the journey and what we'll find.

Today our beginning point was in Tewksbury, mainly because of my husband's work.  But, once we were free of that, we made our end point Manchester, NH for two very important reasons.  One, it was close by, only 45 minutes away.  And two, there was a highly recommended BBQ place up that way that we just had to try out.  Now I could have chosen any form of dining experience today that I wanted.  My husband promised me that I could pick the restaurant, no matter what the cost. So I could really have gone to the nines on this one.  Here's a snippet of the conversation that ensued.

My husband: "So I'll be right back.  Why don't you pick out a place for us to eat and tell me where we have to go.  Your choice, whatever you want!"

*short time later*

My husband: "So what did you pick."
Me: "How about this BBQ place!"
My husband: *look of disbelief*  "I love you!"

Yep, I'd pass up fine dining for a good BBQ brisket any day!  But we also had a grand ol time looking for used book stores, our other weakness besides good food, and in gaming stores where we treated ourselves to an expansion for Dominion.  Because yes we are geeks and we are certainly proud of it.  And when we become homesteaders we will be homesteading geeks that run about barefoot like hobbits.  Ok, so that's only me.  But my husband will still be a geek.

On our journey home from our dayventure I came to realize how much my life has changed in seven years.  How much both of our lives have changed in seven years.  Between different jobs and moving and law school and building up my husband's law practice.  It's going to be amazing how much more will change in the next seven years.  Hopefully in the next seventy years. 

I'm just happy to have such a wonderful man to be my companion thrue life.  And hoping to have many more anniversary's and dayventures with him!

Happy Anniversary Hon!  I Love You! 

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