Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Ten Surprising Things About Pregnancy

During the last 30 weeks I have been blessed to carry our first child.  We've both wanted to have children for quite some time.  So when, on Valentines Day, I excitedly presented two positive pregnancy tests to my husband in a baby bottle, we both celebrated that our lives would never be the same again.

Now, there are several well known symptoms and side effects of pregnancy that a woman expects to experience when she is pregnant.  Morning sickness, fatigue, bloating, weight gain, swollen feet, mood swings, cravings and aversions.  And this I was, to some extent, prepared for.  And I must say this little gremlin that has taken over my body these past 30 weeks has been pretty compassionate with me.  My morning sickness was more of a light and sporadic nausea, fatigue resulted in afternoon naps, and my weight gain has been consistant since the second trimester, but also on target.  My cravings/aversions have been powerful, but not unmanageable, if you like peanut butter sandwiches and lemonade.  And mood swings, well, my husband will probably give you a better assessment of that.  But I don't think I've tortured him too much with my moods.  I just have to avoid Hallmark commercials.

But there have been many pregnancy symptoms that I did not expect to have.  I remember, when I was trying to become pregnant and had very idealistic visions of what pregnancy is, my friend said "It's like an alien takes over your body for 9 months, and then it needs to come out."  How very unromantic!  That's not possible!

Well......... I guess I was wrong about that.  It does seem to be a perfect description.  This child takes over all your life functions, from your digestive system to your blood stream, and changes them to accommodate their growth.  Your taste buds are no longer your own, your muscles are pulled in ways never before been pulled, your bladder needs to be emptied every hour on the hour.  And forget about comfortable sleep.  By the time you get your 50 pillows organized and you start to drift off, you have to get up to pee again.  But, since when this baby comes I will need to be up for feedings I might as well take this as a training time.

But even these things I was kinda warned about before I got pregnant.  So here is a list of ten things I found out when I did become pregnant that were never explained to me till I experienced them for myself.


1.) How it takes 20 years for a pregnancy test to show a result!

I was having funny symptoms.  Things were not tasting right, my body felt different, I could not function without a 2 hour nap every day.  But most telling, my period was a week late.  My period is never late.  So there I am, sitting in the bathroom, staring at this stick I just peed on, praying that there are two little lines rather than one.  And it seems like an eternity is passing me by.  What do you mean it's only been a minute!  Hasn't five years passed me by?!?
Then, those two lines appear, and another 20 years go by as you process what those two little lines mean.

2.) How hard it is to surprise your loved ones with the news!

For me in particular, it was surprising my husband.  Now I could have totally gone running into the bedroom, woken him up from a deep sleep, and told him about the 50 years I was in the bathroom waiting for two lines to appear on a stick, and they did!  Did I mention I took this first test at 5:30 in the morning?

But I didn't.  At first, I wanted to make doubly sure, triply sure, that this test was correct.  Which meant trying to sleep another three hours before driving over to CVS and buying every pregnancy test they had.  And, since I was still processing everything, and it is our first child, I wanted the announcement to be special.  Then, I realized, that Valentines Day was two days away!  Perfect!  Normally we don't get into Valentines Day celebrations, but I know that this one would remain in our hearts forever.  So I got a gift bag, a baby bottle, some tissue paper and a card and set up the bottle so it could accommodate two different pregnancy tests, both that would be positive.  Then, I wrapped it like a gift and hid it in the backroom closet.  Then I waited, for TWO DAYS!!!  It was exceptionally hard, especially when I told him to plan a dinner at a very special restaurant.  He couldn't understand my new fascination with Valentines Day.

Well I woke up at 5 AM that day and could not get back to sleep.  By 6AM I just stopped trying and read my book.  By 6:30 I was staring my husband, willing him to wake up.  By 7:00 I went to the bathroom an extra long time to see if he pulled out my card to surprise me with it.  I could then give him his gift!  7:05, no card he's still asleep! By 7:15 I was tempted to shove him out of bed so he would get up.  By 7:20 I think my ESP and my fidgeting finally woke him up enough to get his book from his nightstand and start to read it!!! NO!!!!  That's it!  Where is my card damn it!  I want you to open this gift!  So I very sweetly wished him a happy Valentines Day and handed him his card, so that he'd get the hint.  Wondering why I am so excited about a card, he gets me mine.  Then I give him his gift.  Then he gives me a lecture about saying how we were not going to give each other gifts.  I point to the box of chocolate truffles he just got me, which I sadly can't eat because I'm having an aversion to chocolate at that time.  So he opens his present, and 20 more years pass.  I jump up and down in the bed waiting for the meaning of those two lines to sink in. Finally he looks a me and says "We're pregnant?"  YES!!!  Commence the hugging and tears and more jumping up and down!  One of the happiest moments of my life!

And luckily I didn't have to worry about keeping a secret from anyone else because we announced it to everyone!  Even strangers we met on the street were not immune to my husband's excitement of the fact that "My wife is pregnant!"  Even though the steak dinner didn't go over so well, with a red meat aversion that has not gone away.

3.) HOW BIG your boobs, belly, and feet get!

Now I knew that all of these things grow when you get pregnant.  Feet swell, belly's grow big as baby grows, and your boobs fill with milk.  Got it!

But they can't get THIS big, can they?!?  And what do you mean that the feet will actually grow a size, without swelling?  What do you mean in one month my bra size would increase one whole letter?!? AND IT CAN STILL GROW MORE?!?!  And this belly is still going to grow bigger?  What do you mean this kid is at the BEGINNING of it's final growth spurt!  And yes, that's today's epiphany.  And these boobs are STILL growing!  Help!!!

4.) You can get pregnancy carpal tunnel.

Really?!?  You can?!?  I'm certainly not the only one surprised by this interesting symptom.  But, around 10 weeks, I would wake up several times at night with my right hand asleep.  Then, a few weeks later, the tingling kept happening all day.  Then the pain when typing, writing, filing, driving ect.  So, wondering what was happening, I went to my midwife.  She confirmed it's a form of carpal tunnel that happens during pregnancy because of the swelling of the arteries pinching nerves in the hand.

So the cure?  BIRTH!  *grumble*  Ice does help as does a brace, but really in the end I will be very happy to feel the tips of my fingers again when the baby is born!

5.) Complete loss of control with bodily functions!

I didn't realize how gross I would become when I became pregnant.  I need to pee every hour, I fart and burp uncontrollably, and I didn't realize that drooling became more proficient and happened whenever it wants to, especially when you are thinking about food.  Or sleeping.  And the snoring.  I guess I've been snoring so loudly my husband was fearful there was a problem.  My midwife confirmed that this was all normal.

And lets not get into balance, or lack there of.

6.)  How your mind reverts back to being 2 years old.

So, for the second time in my life I cry at the drop of a hat, forget things that were told to me five seconds earlier, and when I want something I want it NOW!

That's right, I'm two years old all of a sudden.  And it also shows through my pb&j cravings as well.  The only thing is that there is an adult voice behind all of these thoughts and feelings wondering why I'm acting like a two year old.

But then again, I'm pregnant.  I can get away with it again!

7.) How wonderfully delicious something your craving tastes when you eat it!

There was a time when I thought I understood what a craving was.  I naively thought that I knew what it was like to desire something to eat, and thought foolishly that when I had it that it tasted good.

Then I got my first pregnancy craving, queso dip!  And I couldn't get enough of this stuff!  And it tasted like nothing I ever had, but I desired that taste more than others and I couldn't help but consume all and any of it till bursting.

I will never look at cravings the same way again!

8.) That Uterus pushes everyone around!

Having worn historcial clothing from several different centuries, they all have the same contraption that everyone usually calls a corset.  And yes, they do rearrange your organs to create the shape that was desired of that particular time period.  And I thought that would be the only thing that would rearrange my organs.

Boy was I wrong.

This Uterus is a pushy organ!  As the baby grows it grows ahead of the baby, pushing intestines, liver, gall bladder, bladder, kidneys, stomach, diaphragm and even lungs out of the way to make room for baby.  How big?  Well a pre pregancy uterus is the size of an orange.  By the time it gets to our rib cage, it's the size of watermelon.  No wonder you get heartburn, constipation, and shortness of breath during pregnancy, especially during the third trimester.

Luckily it shrinks after birth.  But now I see how baby gets access to all the organs for it's punching/kicking pleasure.

9.) How much your spouse or significant other takes on when your pregnant.

Now I do mean that as an independent woman I do hate that I can't do certain normal things, like picking up pieces of paper or finding I can't stand long doing dishes because my hips hurt.  Or when I can't get out of bed because I'm moving like a beached whale.  Though cleaning the cat box is not something I'm displeased about giving up. Sorry hon!

But I didn't realize that they can take on many of the symptoms of pregnancy as well.  My poor husband has joined me in many cravings and has been having very vivid dreams, which is something I'm joining him with.  But most of all is the anxieties of bring a new life into this world have been shared between us.  Though I'm more anxious about the next midwife appointment while he's more worried about having everything set up in time and how will the cats react.  So, with both of our anxieties covered I think we'll have everything set for when this child comes.

And that leads me to my final surprise.....

10.)  What do you mean I have to give birth to this child?!?!

Doesn't it just stay in there and I don't have to worry about pushing and pain and bedtimes and feeding schedules and diapers?

Now of course I know pregnancy is only 9 months and at the end the baby needs to be born. And I understand what needs to happen physically. None of that is a surprise to me.

The surprise is how surreal the birth part of pregnancy seems to me at this particular point.  Maybe it's only because I can only concentrate on the here and now, making sure classes are set up and that we have space for a crib.  The actual coming of this child seems like miles away with everything that needs to be done to prepare for it.  Not within 10 or less weeks.  At the most 12 weeks.  Too long.  There probably is a point that's hit that makes you think "Ok, I should be having a baby now!"  But I certainly have not hit that.  I just need to get to my breast feeding class tomorrow and a baby shower this weekend before next week's midwife appointment.

Yep, totally oblivious right now.

The wonderful thing about pregnancy I'm finding is all those surprising things, which some can be very annoying.  But nothing brings a smile to my face more than feeling my baby hiccup or kick right now.  Or watching the remote move on my belly as he kicks it off.  And the fact that I not only helped create this being inside me, but am feeding, sheltering, and taking care of it within my own body just fascinates me to no end.  And I really can't wait to hold him!  At least after the baby showers and the birthing class though.

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